Tips for Traveling with a Toddler
Going on a vacation can be a lot of fun, especially when everyone is well prepared. For parents of young children, going away on a vacation can be rather stressful, especially if traveling to your destination means that they will have to sit in one place for a lengthy time. Here are some tips that will make traveling with a toddler in tow, much more enjoyable.
Traveling with a Toddler
Prepare Them- Prepare them well in advance for the adventure. Explain to them that they will have to sit in one place for a long period of time. Tell them about all the exciting things they will see and do once they get to their destination. If possible, show them some pictures prior to your departure. That way their mind will be at ease and they may even look forward to the adventure.
Take Along Their Favorite Toys- Take along one or two of their favorite toys when traveling. If they happen to have a favorite bedtime plushy, let them take that with them on the trip. Take along their pillow as well as this will help them to get a good night’s rest.
Picture Books- Make sure to pack up some picture books so your toddler can read them while in the car or while at your destination. Plan on purchasing one or two new books beforehand so they will have something new to look at to keep them occupied.
Pack Some Snacks- Take along some kid-friendly snacks such as chicken fingers, grapes, bananas, raisins, carrot sticks, and similar foods that your toddler can munch on while traveling. This way you can save some time as there will be less of a need to stop for food.
Play I Spy- Play I Spy with My Little Eye in the car- This is a great to interact with your child while driving to your destination. Not only will it keep them occupied, it will help to improve their vocabulary as well as improve their thought processing. Other similar games such as an alphabet game may also be one that they enjoy.
Try out some of the above suggestions the next time you are traveling in the car or in any other mode of transportation with your toddler. If you happen to have other family members going on the trip as well, entice them to take part in order to help you out with entertaining your toddler.
Glad you tweeted this today! We’re going on a looooooong road trip with our twin toddlers, starting today. I like the idea of talking with them about sitting for a long time, I’m going to do that with my girls before we go.