Some kids love the car, some kids hate the car. But all kids have some to know, we spend a lot of time in our cars. Parents know, that an unhappy kid in the car, makes for a truly unhappy car ride. The best way to have a good car ride is to have things in the car that make kids happy to be in the car. Enjoy these tips, sponsored by Adel Chrysler.
Snacks: Kids always love snacks. A lot of parents don’t like the ideas of snacks in the car because kids make a mess. The best thing to do is plan on snacks that do not make a huge mess. I recommend not using crackers, chips, or things that require a spoon. I like to use fruit snacks, raisins, and fresh fruit or cheese for our trips. I keep a lunch box ready to go in my refrigerator that is just part of our routine to grab as we are leaving. I do keep crackers and such on hand because I am not worried about the mess. My dealership has a great, low cost detailing offer.
Toys: Kids rarely enjoy just looking around at the scenery. If you want a peaceful car ride, I recommend toys. You can let the kids bring toys with them each car ride, but this can get messy. If the kids do not remember to bring the toys back in the house and take mew toys next time, the next thing you know the car looks like a toy box. Create a storage box filled with special car toys. These are toys that only get played with in the car. Use dollar store stores, or other low cost options. If you have an old phone that play games and your child doesn’t have their own electronic device, this is a good use for it. Add in color pencils and coloring books. I don’t recommend crayons because they can melt. Dry erase boards and markers are fun too.
Wipes, tissues and things to clean up with: I have the snottiest kids in the world. They always need a tissue. Even if your kids don’t have this issue, it is a great idea to keep some type of tissues, napkins or wipes in easy reach for the kids. This way if they get something on them, need to blow their nose or whatever else may come up, the kids have it at easy reach.
Kids will never love every car ride. But it only takes a little to help kids enjoy most of them.
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