So you have decided it is time to buy a car. Before going to the Browning Dodge dealership, go through these simple tips to get ready to buy a new car.
Know your shopping style. Are you an impulse buyer? If you are, do not go to the dealership until after you have done your research. If you don’t know what kind of car you are looking for, visit a dealership and only look around. This can give you a place to start researching.
Let your new car choose you. Well, kind of. What I mean, Look at your lifestyle. If you have small kids, you will want something that you can easily get to the back seat, so a 4 door or mini van. If you tend to go hiking and camping and need space for storage, a small 2 door vehicle is not going to be a good fit.
What can you afford? Sometimes you will have to buy a car based on what can fit in your budget. Think accurately and honestly about how much you can afford. How much can you truly handle each month?
Do your research. Know everything about the car you want to buy before going to the dealership. What is the car worth? What is the safety record? Is it known for having mechanical issues?
Get Financing. While the dealership can help you get financing, if you get approved by your own bank or credit union, you will usually get better interest rate. Some banks give a “relationship discount.” Once you are happy with a quote, get it in writing. Take the quote with you to the dealership and you will have something to negotiate with.
Sell or trade in your current car. Decide what you want to do with your current car. if you are planning to trade in the car, do not discuss the trade in with the dealer until after the price of your car is negotiated. This helps you get the best possible price for both the new car and your trade in.
Take the test drive. Give the car a real life test. Don’t just drive up the street and take a few right hand turns. You want to simulate what you will be doing with the car. If you tend to take the highway every day, you want to see how the car drives on the highway and how it does in traffic. If you drive in the mountains, see how the car does climbing up hills. Make sure you can see all areas and you are not having blind spots. Make sure the chair is comfortable.
Take time to thing about the purchase. Even if you love the car and the deal, take time to think about your purchase. Don’t sign anything until you are certain and you have had to think about everything.
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