Many people think that a car salesman just wants to get you into the most expensive car possible. They do want to sell you a car. And while they often do make a commission on selling you the car, they also want you to be a happy customer and get into the car that you want. The happier you are as a customer, the happier you are to tell others about your experience, getting them more customers, and making you a repeat customer.
It is a lot easier if you help the salesman. They need to get you into a car, you need a car. Simple. If they can’t sell you a car, then they don’t make their commission and then they don’t get paid. You want the best deal possible. There are ways to make buying a car easier. First of all, you need to understand how buying a car works. When you walk into the dealership, you see a car you would love for $20,000. You talk to the finance manager who talks to the bank. If the bank won’t grant you the loan, and there are no other banks, there isn’t anything that the dealership can do.
Read the rest of my article at Zeigler Nissan Gurnee
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